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1/12/2025 - PART 1 - Why we voted for Trump!

Writer's picture: Santa SurfingSanta Surfing


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We voted for President Trump for many reasons but these are some of the highlights that led to Trump supporters fighting like heck to get him to the Inaugural! CABAL PLOT TO KEEP THE FEDERAL RESERVE ACTIVE! Federal Reserve was created to destroy any prosperity from the American People! Charging interest and collecting Income taxes and other taxes were ILLEGAL! JRK to take down the Federal Reserve JFK was assassinated in 1963 because he wanted to end the corruption that starts with the illegal and privately held Federal Reserve and Central Banks! Video of the rise of the Federal Reserve. He announced via EO 11110 to bring in the Silver backed currency and he was going to expose the dirty government. This EO would have a domino effect of exposing the dirty Congress and the dirty DOJ/FBI and newly formed CIA and their criminal buddies. 4 months after announcing this EO, JFK Sr. was assassinated.

Child Trafficking on the Rise - Crimes Against Humanity The dirty government needed so desperately to keep their criminal enterprises open to earn millions or billions. When Baby Boomers and Gen X-ers were young, we noticed there was a rise in "Missing Children" ads on milk cartons and newspapers!

Bill Clinton political power began in 1977 from Attorney General to Governor of Arkansas to President of the United States!

Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky scandal that broke the Clinton's financially. They were so broke they ransacked the White House when they left! lluminati was even embedded in cartoons that the young children watched:

Clintons were heavily involved in Child Trafficking and horrid acts against humanity! Remember the Clintons have never owned a business from scratch and Hillary Clinton used her Secretary of State power to broker deals with other nations worldwide to include Crimes Against Humanity!

Clowns allowing Weapon and Drug Cartels MK Ultra was formed by the CIA (source - used brainwash and manipulate private citizens and the military. So of course the dirty government would allow use of drugs to enter America, in an effort to destroy humanity by means of submission or death. Part of the program resulted in the death of Dr. Frank Olson, who committed suicide from MK Ultra projects as a guinea pig. Ultimately, he was paid $750,000 from the US Government and an apology. Why is this important to know, because the government was committing horrid crimes against humanity and in this CIA document, the Supreme Court ultimately dismissed a claim by a victim of MK Ultra, calling for violations of the Nuremberg Code.

John Brennan, a former CIA Director, who voted for a Communist in 1976

Fort Bragg was the biggest facility to administer MK Ultra:


Yet, prior to the Clintons leaving the White House, in 2000, Bill Clinton signed onto NESARA (at Military gunpoint) knowing it will never get enacted because the illuminati was still in control. Bill Clinton knew George Bush Jr or Al Gore would be the new defacto President! Neither would ever activate the Law.

However, in September 2001, when George Bush Jr was in office, he was prepared to announce the enactment of the NESARA law. Papa Bush did not want this to ever get enacted, so he plotted the dirtiest plot on Americans....911!

In my opinion, the Bush family was a part of the CIA programs to include the hit on JFK and MK Ultra projects, they knew a diversion was necessary from the bigger news that was breaking: Bush Family friends that operated Enron, were under investigation:

Rumsfeld to announce $2.3Trillion dollars went missing!

Orchestrating 911 murder plot to hide the crimes and preserve the Gold hidden under building 7.

Rothchild's are part of the formation of the Federal Reserve, and since their collecting of interest wasn't enough income for their empire, they are found to have connections to Child Trafficking!

Central Bankers charged with money laundering and the CEO's of these banks were never jailed or charged.





God Loves you just the way you are...for He created you!!!



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