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Buckingham on Lockdown!
President Trump in Scotland. Liberal Media is having a meltdown about what Trump says, but was there another message to this?
JPM in trouble
Conservative Brief Article Big Bank desperate push!
But this is happening that the news will not report!
4 more got added to a total of 27 States move to reclaim gold and silver as legal tender!
Gold up 5.5% in one day!
Comparing the 2. Gold surged over 57% in the past 5 years. While the dollar decreased 21% in the same time frame. While US Fiat dollars are sitting in a bank account, it loses value (My opinion only, not financial advice).
We are fighting for our Constitutional rights, yet that parallels what Jesus did and wanted for us, our God given freedom!
It is Biblical! The good people of the world fighting to bring God back in our lives, schools, churches and way of living!
We had to walk through the journey of pain, suffering, slavery, division, tears, loss and so much more to begin seeing the light God has planned for us all along! We had to wake ourselves up! I imagine when the 11 disciples went out to become Fishers of Men, they didn't wait for that one person to believe, they shared the truth and God's miracles and moved on. Do you see how God is working through you every single step of the day to get you closer to Him?
Going back to simpler times (with high technology). The life of LIVING and THRIVING!
All information / videos contained in our website are opinions only. Information is derived from public information, News Articles & social media. We are not attorneys, accountants, financial advisors, in the medical field and or lobbyists.
Any information shared is not financial, medical and or legal advice or any advice.
This is only an opinion piece.