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Let's Start with Sept 10 Delta:
On September 10, 2024 reports out that Kamala BEGGED President Trump to turn on the mics!
Since that didn't happen, did she wear a earring device aka earpiece?
Warnuse posted this bomb last night about David Muir Criminal Code of Seditious Conspiracy. @JuniorWaiting on X posted this reply about a Wikipedia search on Muir that Muir's employer is Kamala Harris:
Proof the Wikipedia page changed in the middle of the debate is shown on the source page then it changed back to The Walt Disney Company.
Doesn't this tell us that people were fact checking the debate during the debate? How many liberals were doing this and finding out that Kamala spewed endless lies!
David Muir is fighting for his life! Wikileaks exposed him as one of the many reporters that
colluded with the DNC and or HRC in the 2016 election!
Even Rachel Scott from ABC remarked about Kamala:
What happened last night wasn't election fraud....it was straight up TREASON!
And remember Kamala Harris is a SITTING VICE PRESIDENT at the time of this debate! She took an oath of office (the same as a president) and swore to uphold our constitution.
Now let's look at this debate at the 40,000' level:

President Trump debated against a lying vice president that has failed to keep her oath of office and commits treason continuously by lying to the public while aiding and giving comfort to illegals. Think this, she gives aid and comfort to other nations BY REMOVING THESE CRIMINALS from their native countries and allowing them to enter America and provides money, food, and housing!
I viewed this debate as Kamala's press conferences where her fans (the fake news moderators) are fawning over her and not once....NOT ONCE... fact checked her or corrected her! Instead, they interrupted President Trump while he was giving the truth about her lies and told him they had to move on.
These Moderators are Trump's defendants that were hoping to ambush President Trump in this debate, but instead, they ambushed each other and Kamala Harris.
Their false sense of security goes from begging to bragging to baiting.
What the Left and Swamp fears the most...when President Trump is re-elected (publicly) again...WE THE PEOPLE BECOME THE PRESIDENT:
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