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Big Bank CEO wants to protest! Basel 3! Financial Treason!


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IMAGINE THE FOUNDATION of the Central banks crumbling!

Evergrande dissolution hearing is rescheduled to Jan 29, 2024. Evergrande Bonds cannot be sold! Evergrande CEO is under police control and investigation for serious crimes! Evergrande CEO had 2 mansions seized (combined value $200M USD) by creditors! Evergrande development has screwed hundreds - thousands of people that put deposits on a condo / home in China and Evergrande cannot finish development.

Big Banks in America (and across the world) bought into Evergrande Bonds (not stocks). The value for those bonds were limitless, but let's say $300B total! Evergrande's deal to the buyers, is that they would pay interest payments on those bonds. In 2021, Evergrande began defaulting on those interest payments! Evergrande filed for Bankruptcy, a new one, Chapter 15. To work out a deal with creditors. Creditors would be the Big Banks and Hedge Funds that bought those bonds! NEW REGULATIONS FOR BIG BANKS

Basel 3 is a new regulation that makes Big Banks and Hedge Funds accountable. It was effective Jan 2023, however, the pain is happening now. 11 months of the world trying to take down President Trump and Trump keeps winning or the cases are stalled.

Well these regulations require the Big Banks to show proof that they have the liquid assets to make investments! If they don't then they are shut down! So, Big Banks / Hedgies have been using the worthless Bonds as value to their assets. These banksters know these EG bonds are worthless, but they still get away with it.

Earlier this year, we witnessed the fall of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB). Why? SVB made bad investments using customer deposits. When their customers made a run to the bank, SVB ran out of money. They were closed down by the FDIC. Those investments were more than likely made prior to January 1, 2023 (the start of Basel 3).

BossBlunts1 on X explains it well:

Gold hit an all time high...ALL TIME!!! Over $2100 an ounce!! Then the next day, dirty wall street pounded that price below $2100.

So how much longer can these dirty banksters get away? Short Answer....NOT LONG AT ALL!

Remember, China was their Business BFF for years, while they were anticipating a Hillary win would secure their sweetheart deals forever! But Hillary did not win and President Trump did and that changed their entire strategy! So let's review what has happened with big names in China, that would have a worldwide impact!

Liu Luang CEO Bank of China arrested corruption charges.

Wang Bin CEO China Life Insurance life in prison for accepting $$44.6M in bribes

Binance CEO pleads guilty to money laundering!

And involved in Terrorists acts:

This is the Domino effect of the fall of Evergrande! Scenerio: EG dissolves and is completely shut down. They owe $300B to creditors and that does not include the interest they owe!

If the creditors are the Big Banks in America, think how much more these Big Banks will lose. They are given sweetheart margin deals for their trades. Let's say 10 times. So if they invest $1M, they can actually invest $1M plus an additional $9M in margin money. Now that Basel 3 has kicked in, they have to actually show they have $10M in assets. When they don't, guess what call they get....a Margin call for the $9M. Then they get another from federal regulators. They are so underwater, even they can't even borrow from their other wall street buddies, because those buddies are broke too!

If they don't have enough in liquid assets, these big banks will need to sell their positions in other investments and that is what would case the market crash! And guess what else they would have to sell...their precious metals! When that happens, that means they can't even short precious metals. Yes, that is how they hammer the price down, they have essentially naked shorted precious metals. But naked shorting will be a discussion at another time. But in short, they are borrowing shares or paper metals that do not exist. When Basel 3 regulators say, hey, where's your shares that you shorted and they don't have any, they have committed Financial Treason! October 2021:

So now, they want to protest!!! PROTEST new regulations before Congress!

What a bunch of whining babies. These Big Banks are closing more and more branches and they don't know any other way of making money, since all their pedo and or criminal buddies are already locked up and they have no more money laundering funds in their balance sheets! These ivy league dirty CEO's never knew how to run a business/ bank, they seem to know how to operate a criminal enterprise though and get federal bailouts along the way.

This is where Justice for We the People begins to kick in! They have held us to be slaves to their system and with the interest rates so sky high, the home sales is dropping, auto sales too. People do not want to buy a high ticket item with the illegal credit system!

Listen to podcast for closing remarks.



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