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Biden Case Alvin Bragg must testify to Congress about Trump investigation Alvin Bragg is STILL not having a good month! This must be him right now!
As we watch the world crumbling in front of us, are you enjoying the fruits of your labor? Watching the corrupt world fall on its knees because you shared the truth! When a government has to be a part of censoring your voices...that is how BIG your voice is!
Evolution of what you did...even when you were censored, banned, rejected, denied and yet you NEVER EVER gave up! You are the news and information of Light and Love and Truth! This is an example of what you did!
You brought love and light and healthy information to feed the souls and lives of those so hungry for YOUR GOOD FOOD!!! Your harvest! Your Blessings!
President Trump is a Farmer. His delivery of farming may not resonate with many people, but it is VERY EFFECTIVE AND POWERFUL! He is all about RESULTS! He is pleased with the results of your fight to take down the corruption of the world.
If a chosen man of God, who loves the good people of the world so much to help us become better Farmers...imagine the Love our Lord has for YOU!!! How proud He is of YOU!
It isn't easy work, but it sure is worth every single hardship you faced!
All information / videos contained in our website are opinions only. Information is derived from public information, News Articles & social media. We are not attorneys, accountants, financial advisors, in the medical field and or lobbyists.
Any information shared is not financial, medical and or legal advice or any advice.
This is only an opinion piece.