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Complimentary Notes (2) with each order of Pain Absolve and or Brain Fuel until July 9, 2022
JAN 6 Headlines PELOSI TIES Pelosi Elbows child Dems releasing sleepers? What really happened Jan 6 STRENGER SGT IN ARMS https://t.me/SantaSurfing/43488 Paid Agitators
GESARA related news updates Constitution is important - 1M new GOP registered Voters Sri Lanka
Gold Standard
Zimbabwe interest rate up from 80% to 200%
Roman Empire falling
JPM Mortgage department lay offs
POTUS Speech
SCOTUS Police taking action Chief Justice Thomas hints about fake news - their libel on public figures Chief Justice Thomas travels the country and people do not know it is him Illegals not allowed to vote Breyer resigning tomorrow and Kentanji gets sworn in by an illegitimate president. Let that sink in!
Q defined by General Q on Friday 6/24/2022 They're coming after you Rally Day And Locals News ____________________________________________________________________________
Buh Bye Green New Deal!
AUS Bank tells customers to withdraw funds
CTMAGA2020 posted about new IMF President Trump posted this Gem in an RV! RV = Revalutation!
Desperate Dems are more Desperate
Oh let the dems have their brief moment to celebrate Kentanji getting fake sworn in! They can have their squirrel moment....
While us Sammy Surfin Lions have our Squirrel moments!!!
____________________________________________________________________________ Trump V. HRC and Swamp Rats / USA Inc. - Case 2:2022cv14102
All information / videos contained in our website are opinions only. Information is derived from Public information, News Articles & Social Media. We are not attorneys, accountants, financial advisors, in the medical field and or lobbyists.
Any information shared is not financial, medical and or legal advice.
This is only an opinion piece.