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05/26/2022 comments below article
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Complimentary Note with each order of Pain Absolve and or Brain Fuel until June 4, 2022

2 Corinthians 4:15
11 Promises of God
PART 1 Promise #1 - God Loves You Unconditionally
Q Posts - God Promise #2 - You Are Never Alone
Promise # 3 - You Are Redeemed and Have an Eternal Home in Heaven
Promise # 4 - God Formed You with Intention and Knows You Intimately Promise #5 - You Are Who the Bible Says You Are God Formed you Bible Versus Q posts - Created - This is to show some things that man created
Promise #6 - God's Plan for Your Life Is to Prosper You, Not to Harm You Bible Verse - Jer. 29:11 Q posts - Biblical
Promise #7 - The Risk That God Is Calling You to Take Is Worth It Bible Verse - Psalm 66:8-12 the outcome of taking risks
Q post _____________________________________________________________________ PART 2 Promise #8 - You Have Special Strength Available through Faith: The Power of Christ Bible Verses - Faith
Q Posts - Faith Promise #9 - God Hears Your Prayers and Can Move through Them Bible Verses - Prayer Q Posts - Pray Promise #10 - Hope Is Always Alive in Your Life through Faith
Q Posts - Hope (Both ways) Promise #11 - God Can Reveal Himself to You and Others through Community
All information / videos contained in our website are opinions only. Information is derived from Public information, News Articles & Social Media. We are not attorneys, accountants, financial advisors, in the medical field and or lobbyists.
Any information shared is not financial, medical and or legal advice.
This is only an opinion piece.
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I made homemade waffles for my Grandchildren!
Amen and listen to God voice. Thank you James 💗🤍💙
Good afternoon Mrs. Santa and all you wonderful Surfers. Sorry so late, I have been working on internet issues. Mrs. Santa, you, and I have to believe all your Surfer Family, are evolving and growing, which is leading us all down our paths. Thank you for sharing yours. I hope you all have a Wonderful Weekend. God Bless You All.
Lovemylife Inspirationals:
Common sense is perhaps the most equally divided, but surely the most underemployed, talent in the world. I do not have an innate prejudice against intellect, intelligence, or, for that matter, graduate degrees, but they are not substitutes for common sense, people sense, or street smarts. It is not common sense to assert that those who have achiev…
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