VIDEO 04/04/2022

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04/04/2022 comments below article
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Thank you sweetie for lifting up my spirits before going to sleep! I was angry today, frustrated, down but, you gave me the good energy at the end of the day! ❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️
That was fraud resident house plant in the motorcade!
Haa. Look what just came up:
Hey Santos some thing I noticed at the top of the magazine with Clinton Cabal exposed, if you look at the top it’s two baseball players but it’s interesting what it says between the two of them it says catch 22 are they telling us that Clinton was in a catch 22 they caught her and there’s nothing she can do. I think that headlines telling you something as well. Your show was absolutely amazing once again my dear lady. And There is no way they need a parking lot full of employees if they’re closed.The mint is definitely printing something my guess is the rainbow currency absolutely for sure
Love and respect you so much! Praying that you can accomplish what needs to be done! Hang in there!!