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Sponsors - GoldCo / Pain Absolve / Body Sculpt:
Pain Absolve and Body Sculpt will donate $10 for each order to Maui Relief Fund and the Maui Food Bank! CEO just donated $30,000 to the Maui Food Bank!!
LIMITED TIME PROMO for PainAbsolve and / or BodySculpt: BUY 2 get 1 Combo Package + Get 1 Promo Free Bottle
BUY 3 get 2 Combo Package + Get 1 Promo Free Bottle
$40 -$50 Value
MAUI FIRE DONATION REGISTRY - To send items needed directly to Kings Cathedral MAUI RELIEF FUND
What happened?
Many lives lost. Government didn't care, the Emergency dude Andaya, was at a conference on a different island, knowing Hurricane Dora was incoming! He didn't even care to sound off the Emergency Alarms!
Maui Shut Down the water and here is their lame excuse:
Government hiding what really happened and slamming social media posting "idiotic" things!
Next day Herman Andaya "resigns" due to health reasons!
The Mayor of Hawaii claims he didn't know about the fires until the Lahaina Fire already burned down the entire town!
This mayor is the WORST! The Hawaii Governor is the WORST!!! They are definitely hiding something very big!
AUTHORITARIAN GOVERNMENT DOES THIS! Closed down an "unauthorized" food distribution location:
Social Media Videos: How can a Fire jump houses and Trees aren't burned down
Maui Fire Paperback book immediately released on August 10, 2023 and this book talks about events happening from Aug. 8-11, 2023.
Many people are reporting that DEW's and even flame throwers were used to cause the fire on Maui. Governor denies it. Faux Checkers are debunking it....which tells me...they were used to cause the Maui Massacre!
Some people can't even wrap their heads around DEW's and if they even exist. Mark Esper - Former Secty of Defense confirms DEWS:
Notice this Lahaina Maui Fire was exactly lined around the perimiter of the residential area of Lahaina:
Exactly how many lives were lost during this Massacre? Why is the government hiding so much information? Why did the government withhold sirens, EBS/EMS, withhold Tsunami alerts and shut down the water? The reality of it all is that they prevented all of this...is a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY and borders on Genocide!
MPD WITH 3 CONTAINERS There is no respect for humanity on Maui. The evil government tossed the bodies into 3 40' containers and took it to the Police Department! They didn't take the bodies to get DNA tests. Maui Residents still do not know where the bodies went. There are still more people that have missing loved ones and the government is now enforcing Zero Tolerance for anyone who crosses into Ground Zero!
Weather Underground showing satellites of worldwide fires going on today! This is so insane!
There are Fires all over the world! The Floods are now happening in California and are expected to hit Maui.
FEMA is now requiring Lahaina Victims to provide homeowner documents or they will be denied assistance!
Biden arrived to Maui and my guess is that Biden is looking for a way to call Climate Emergency Change and enforce stricter Covid Closures? CHINA / TAIWAN IS NEXT? EBS in USA is reporting on China and Taiwan!
Donation Registry on Amazon
Thousands of surfers donated generous gifts to the Maui Community via the Amazon Registry. We are unable to show pics of the warehouse with gifts but we did deliver your personal Messages to Pastor Dr. Morrocco. Your gifts were so overwhelming that the locals that lost their own homes were so excited to get a clean pair of underwear, or clothes for their children / babies, or tents / cots/ portable showers and the shirts and shorts were so abundant! And they so appreciated the devotion books and pet items!
Ohana Hope Village
Emergency homes broke ground and if you lost your home in a fire, please visit www.flcmaui.org and complete the application. The church service indicates they will have 30 emergency homes available and they are prepared to put up 200.
All information / videos contained in our website are opinions only. Information is derived from public information, News Articles & social media. We are not attorneys, accountants, financial advisors, in the medical field and or lobbyists.
Any information shared is not financial, medical and or legal advice or any advice.
This is only an opinion piece.