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Complimentary Notes (2) with each order of Pain Absolve and or Brain Fuel until August 13, 2022
Bin Laden and Successors AlQueda Leader dead Didn't Loser Barry pretend to kill Osama Bin Laden to increase his ratings for an election year? Now the Houseplant regime is TRYING to do the same? Charles took money from Osama Bin Laden - Interesting points by PepeLivesMatter SWAMP RAT NEWS Connecting Crazy Nancy Dots Pelosi Insider Trading Semiconductor Industry
She lands in Taiwan in Military Airplane Pelosi meets with Semiconductor Company Pelosi has $500k stake in Micron Semiconductor Pelosi sold Nvidia Shares at a "loss". That's weird bc the dirty drunks don't leave money on the table...EVER! Semiconductor Stock plunges while the Drunk is in Taiwan! Fake Stock Market Media is on the Crazy Nancy Bandwagon! Omar sold secrets to Qatar
Trump is watching Crazy Nancy Celebs attacking Pod Wow...this is pretty bad!
Financial & GESARA News Biden IRS is desperate! Remember the IRS destroyed 30M returns and 41% of taxpayers did not file a 2021 return! Bulgaria going GESARA Crypto Execs Ponzi Scheme Wall Street is Desperate! Spoofing in the works!
____________________________________________________________________________ EYES ON TRUMP LAWSUIT Against the Swamp and USA Inc. Trump V. HRC and Swamp Rats / USA Inc. - Case 2:2022cv14102
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