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The Shift! Freeing ourselves from modern day bondage!


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The Shift!

Are we shifting?  

Are we separating ourselves from the world events that the media loves to instill fear, anger, unfairness and disappointment?

This is a pivotal week to break away from their evil ways.

During this Easter Week, the media and current events makes our outlook disheartening.  

Is the media working on overload right now?  Making sure we stay in the same dull-drum that they are in? Is their storm coming?

The dirty media knows that they will be watching God's Warriors while they are in a place that they deserve.

They spent decades making you fall for their ploys and tactics.

They spent millions if not billions to TRY to shape you into their slaves!  Instilling fear to help big corporations line their pockets and sensationalizing a bigger home, a new car, getting loans....when you really didn't need any of that! Modern day version of slavery and tyranny!

They had no idea social media would backfire on them! They truly thought it would be their weapon to steal elections, block the REAL NEWS, and censor / silence your voice!

Now we are watching the bad people on the run or getting caught for the criminal acts.

They never sacrificed themselves to help Humanity improve!

But YOU HAVE!!! 

You lost so much to fight the good fight!  

We are so close to the end.

Much like when Pharoah agreed to release the Hebrew slaves in the days of Moses.  Moses, born Hebrew, was hidden in the lake, only to have his enemies' daughter, find baby Moses and raise him.

Photo from the Movie The Ten Commandments

Pharoah only agreed to release the slaves...after the 10 plagues that affected him and his land and he caved!

Photo from the Movie The Ten Commandments

After he agreed, he then backed out on his word and began chasing Moses and his former slaves. 

Photo from the Movie The Ten Commandments

This is where I see us...that we are in the departing stage of this journey. 

While we are beginning to see the media, central banksters, federal government agencies, politicians, celebrities, full governments of many nations, Leaders of a state, the big pharma industries, the food companies, etc get exposed / resigned / arrested / sentenced / on the run...we know their end is near.  They're all chasing us with whatever they have got left. 

They are living in fear and their criminal enterprises are shutting down (behind the scenes). So in their response to God's Army...they will work on your emotions to destroy any bit of faith and hope you have in your heart!  They conduct false flags and try to get their voices heard, but that is not working as effectively! 

Yet, their implosion is happening right before our eyes!

We are ready to walk the journey of freedom and modern day Pharoah's are trying to stop us from ever getting close to it!  Where does our journey lead us?  God's Promises!  

Then the BIG Miracles revealed itself.  While the people did not know what to do, Moses had faith! Is this what is happening now? The Good people of the world is saved through God's Miracles and the bad people will keep chasing their own demise.

The miracles that helped the Hebrews to escape the bad people that wish to do bad and stay there (this includes the trolls and bots).  

Now our Journey begins!  

We no longer long for the lavish lives the elites once had,

but rather the beauty in our hearts that the elites never knew about.  The wealth and richness within.  

Today's version of wealth and richness:

Social media - Laugher, Joy and faith

In real life - Meeting new people, sharing a smile / handshake / hug to a stranger or to an acquaintance.  

KNOWING God has got this.  We journey together.  But our destiny is wherever the modern day Noah's Ark is...whether it be in our hearts, or in a place....or both.

We know the Shift continues and while we all stand as ONE HUGE ARMY FOR GOD...we can all get through this journey together! 




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This is only an opinion piece.


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