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Writer's pictureSanta Surfing

Truckers Convoy standing Stronger! Distraction news galore! Pray for Freedom WW!

VIDEO 01/27/2022

(If this video Buffers, please click on this link)


1/26/2022 - WI withdraws vote! AMC! Liberal Breyer retiring! Truckers unite! QohnG!

1/25/2022 - Markets imploding! Basel III! Worldwide changes! Beautiful world incoming! 1/24/2022 - No Show Recorded

1/21/2022 - Tons have CV! 11.3! Hood in trouble! Make Laughing Great Again! God still Wins!

1/20/2022 - Law of War - 1 Year mark! Pope B abuse exposed! CV Vax under Criminal Investigation!

1/19/2022 - I'm Batman Tweet then Gotham City Alert! Explosion at WH?

1/18/2022 - Don Jr 8 bullets! It is Done! So many comms! Assange hints!! God is so good!

01/27/2022 comments below article


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WELCOME BACK SURFERS! Our Email company banned our video notifications to thousands of viewers since December 25, 2021. We have had videos and shows since then. If you need / want to catch up, please visit page.


What is Wall Street hiding? Citadel et al Recent Filings having over 5% holdings in:

1 Vigil Neuroscience, Inc.

2 Edgewise Therapeutics

What the heck?? Is Bananahead Griffin trying to get in the big pharma game?

Silver and Gold is down. Coincidence this happens on the day contracts are due!

(NOTE: BASEL III is reported effective January 1, 2023, yet I have been informed it is effective this year) Banks still need to cover the contracts.

Indexes are down. Is Wall Street still selling long positions including all long positions in Meme stocks?


Qohn Galt final video:








All information / videos contained in our website are opinions only. Information is derived from Public information, News Articles & Social Media. We are not attorneys, accountants, financial advisors, in the medical field and or lobbyists.

Any information shared is not financial, medical and or legal advice.

This is only an opinion piece.

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100 Kommentare

31. Jan. 2022

Just wanted to share some beautiful pictures I got off off FBs Truckers convoy pages. Hope you all enjoy 🥰🇺🇸❤️🇨🇦

Love you Santa, Sammy & Surfers

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01. Feb. 2022
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thank you

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30. Jan. 2022

To : 3 Excellent Patriot / Soldiers > Fire Dog , Michael M Murphy , militsrysweep2 <

Easy Soldiers . We're all on the same side here . I agree with you to some extent . We have been instructed to be careful "WHO" we trust and to use LOGICAL thinking . >Operations are 80% "Covert" and 20% "Overt"<. Remember in the " fog of war" visibility is very limited . Continue sharpening your " Critical " thinking skills . It helps everyone . This War we fight is a "Battlefield of the Mind" . We need more "Recruits" and fewer "Casualties . Avoid "FRIENDLY FIRE" when possible . Justice for the [ enemy ] is slow but inevitable .…

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31. Jan. 2022
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BZ PATRIOT ! The whole plan was to force the [enemy] to fast track every aspect of their agenda . The faster the better . Tactics 101 . >> Art Of War << . God will prevail and so shall we Patriot .

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29. Jan. 2022

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Fire Dog
Fire Dog
29. Jan. 2022

Bill Barr was hanged in 2021.

EXECUTIONS IN 2021: Bill Gates (hanged), Hilary Clinton (hanged), Bill Clinton (suicide), Chelsea Clinton (hanged) and husband Mark Mezvinsky (hanged), Hunter Biden (hanged), Andrew Cuomo (hanged), Colin Powell (suicide), Donald Rumsfeld (suicide), James Comey (guillotine), John Brennan (hanged), Tom Hanks (hanged), Adam Schiff (hanged), John Podesta (firing squad), William Barr (hanged), Susan Rice (hanged), Huma Abedin (hanged), John McCain (firing squad), Bush Sr. (euthanized), Bush Jr. (hanged).

EXECUTIONS in 2022: Dick Cheney (hanged); Gavin Newsom (hanged), Mike Donilon (hanged); Anita Dunn (February 14). TBA: Anthony Fauci, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Chis Cuomo, Tom Wolf, Alec Baldwin, Kamala Harris, Mike Pence, Dianne Feinstein, and many many more.


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01. Feb. 2022
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how do you know its fake or real? Look at fake biden, he is clearly not the real biden! The real biden is dead.. This guy is a puppet.. With todays technology, there are thousands of doubles out there.. Im not sure I believe it either.. But what if? We can only hope!

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