VIDEO 02/03/2022
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1/28/2022 - One Nation Under God!!! Keep on Trucking and we will win!
1/27/2022 - Truckers Convoy standing Stronger! Distraction news galore! Pray for Freedom WW!
1/26/2022 - WI withdraws vote! AMC! Liberal Breyer retiring! Truckers unite! QohnG!
1/25/2022 - Markets imploding! Basel III! Worldwide changes! Beautiful world incoming! 1/24/2022 - No Show Recorded
1/21/2022 - Tons have CV! 11.3! Hood in trouble! Make Laughing Great Again! God still Wins!
1/20/2022 - Law of War - 1 Year mark! Pope B abuse exposed! CV Vax under Criminal Investigation!
1/19/2022 - I'm Batman Tweet then Gotham City Alert! Explosion at WH?
1/18/2022 - Don Jr 8 bullets! It is Done! So many comms! Assange hints!! God is so good!
02/03/2022 comments below article
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This Movement is so exciting 🥰 I am so Thankful for the Truckers, Santa, Trump & the white hats, my fellow Patriots... Every single person helping this movement along ❤️🤍💙
I do my best as a digital soldier to share truth, bible verses to try to make others aware this is biblical and does pertain to current times. I get a little impatient waiting for it all to roll out, but then I realize it has to be this way, there is still so many to wake up!!! I believe those still asleep aren't waking up!!! I will always be here for those willing to learn & know truth, and more & more are asking questions & want me to…
The tears of joy streaming down my face because of the miracles of the truckers and the tow truck drivers and the farmers and the thousands upon thousands of citizens in Canada, my tears would freeze if I were in that 30 below weather but it would be so worth it! Praise God for his miracles, he does move in very mysterious ways🙏🏼💓🙏🏼 and thank you Santa for delivering the good news as well as the bad to us in such a heartwarming way. May God bless you and protect you as well as AMC and all the good guys who are just trying to make a living and achieve the American dream which I believe is also the human…
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*** SAT AUS CONVOY *** Canberra Parliament protest In solidarity for FREEDOM 4 ALL Parliament reopens on Monday TIC TOC See more posts from me Cocky Cockatoo - GREEN MEANS GO! (@alexxander78) / Twitter
Someone draped a flag over a statue in front of Parliament Hall and threw some trash around the base. The truckers came in cleaned it all up then polished up the statue. Also, a couple of truckers were seen cleaning the sidewalks in front of businesses in Ottawa so people could get out and about. Viva Frei, Jean-Claude and others have interviewed people on the streets and they all are having a good time while whoever is posing as Trudeau has "Covid" or is hiding in the basement like our own sleepy, creepy, pedo Joe.