Trump Loves [Custom Name] - Glossy Mug - White (TL3-6 / TL3-7)
Enjoy sporting your TRUMP LOVES [Custom Name] Mug!
Customize this Mug with your Name or Family name or Social Media account name (up to 20 characters)
i.e. - SantaSurfing or The Smith Family or First Name or Custom name.
(Orders are monitored and will be denied if the Custom name is derogatory or has a negative message or of the likes)
Stand out at Trump Rallies, Trump events, or anywhere!
This ceramic mug is perfect for your morning coffee, afternoon tea, or whatever hot beverage you enjoy.
11 oz mug dimensions: 3.8” (9.6 cm) in height, 3.2” (8.2 cm) in diameter
15 oz mug dimensions: 4.7” (11.9 cm) in height, 3.3” (8.5 cm) in diameter
Dishwasher and microwave safe
Shipping cost is included.
USA - 5-8 days after order
Other Countries - 5-10 days after order